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(中央社記者唐雅陵聖保羅15日專電)2014年世界盃足球賽冠軍德國隊在巴西巴伊亞州南部興建的豪華選手村,將變身為度假樂園,而非如網路上流傳,拆建成窮人學校。德國選手村的前身是1座封閉式別墅區,位於巴伊亞(Bahia)州南部聖多安瑞(Santo Andre)聚落,由德國足球聯盟(DFB)和贊助商出資,歷時5個月改建成巴伊亞集訓營,設有集訓中心、足球場、新聞中心和私人海灘,必須越河才能抵達。近日社交網路盛傳德國選手村將被拆建成窮人模範學校的訊息,是空穴來風;選手村屬德國足球聯盟和贊助商共同資產,之後將變成度假樂園。德國隊在巴伊亞州南部生活的1個月,與當地帕塔秀(Pataxo)原住民相處融洽,離開前並形式性捐贈1萬歐元給部落。當地觀光局長奧里維拉(Fernando Oliveira)指出,除了捐錢給原住民部落,德國人也考慮與市立學校、文化中心和非政府組織合作,在未來4年提供2萬歐元文教經費,但這個計畫尚未定案。原住民代表澤卡(Zeca)表示,等德國隊捐贈的1萬歐元匯到巴西後,將用來購買1輛車,幫助部落居民解決就醫交通不便問題。另外,德國隊為彌補居住期間對周遭環境造成的破壞,答應修建聖多安瑞聚落的足球場;球員使用的自行車和安全帽,其中6組捐給當地學校拍賣,拍賣所得將用於改善學校設施。1030716 Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Fans throng a street in central Berlin to cheer Germany's 2014 Brazil World Cup squad as they proceed in an open-top bus through the capital during a parade to mark the team's victory July 15, 2014. ... 較多Fans throng a street in central Berlin to cheer Germany's 2014 Brazil World Cup squad as they proceed in an open-top bus through the capital during a parade to mark the team's victory July 15, 2014. Germany's victorious soccer team led by coach Joachim Loew returned home on Tuesday after winning the 2014 Brazil World Cup. A triumphant Germany team landed in Berlin on Tuesday to a hero's welcome, greeted by hundreds of thousands of jubilant Germans waving flags and wearing the national colours, revelling in the nation's fourth World Cup victory on Sunday in Brazil. REUTERSAlex Grimm/Pool (GERMANY - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 ALEX GRIMM / REUTERS 2014年7月15日週二 台北標準時間下午10時53分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close 全民英檢初級報名 一對一學英文 Previous imageNext image

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